Having a campfire can be a wonderful and relaxing experience. But depending on where you chose to sit, or simply the direction the wind decides to blowing in, can have a big impact on whether or not you enjoy your fire for an extended period of time. I’m talking about the smoke produced by the fire…
Assuming you have experience the joys of a campfire, you have likely experienced the annoyance that can come from the smoke produced by the fire.
I think you will likely agree with me as I speak of the following scenario, simply because it happens to the majority of us who spend any amount of time around a campfire:
So, You’ve just finished building your campfire and gotten it to a point where it can self sustain for the next little bit. Now it’s time for you to sit back in a chair and enjoy the warmth and sounds that have began to come. Shortly after sitting down, the smoke begins to change direction and starts to flow directly at you… Burying your face in heavy smoke, and removing your ability to breathe efficiently.
I personally have experienced this so many times I cannot begin to estimate how often this has occurred to me. But if I had to I would say it is into the hundreds, if not thousands of times this has occurred.
Not to mention,shortly after you have gotten up and moved out of the direction of the smoke, the smoke quickly turns and starts flowing in a New Direction, that direction being directly at your face for the second time…
Today, we will be solving this issue once and for all. The goal here is to First understand what is causing the smoke to flow directly in your direction, then learn different methods as to how we can avoid this problem in the future.
Why Campfire Smoke Follows You Around
There is a multitude of different reasons as to why the smoke from a campfire tends to flow in the direction of one or multiple of those who are sitting around the campfire.
The most common phenomenon behind this is: Smoke flows in the direction of least resistance, this means wind direction, as well as wind directional change frequency has a big impact on the direction to which smoke flows. Simply Having a campfire in an area where wind direction and wind speed are known to vary quite frequently can cause it to feel as if the smoke is set on You.
Wind direction can also be manipulated by movement around the fire. It is likely that you have experienced smoke following you no matter where you sit? This is simply because of the Tailwind created by the movement around the fire.
However, this is not the only reasoning behind why smoke follows one or multiple of those who are sitting around the campfire. Physics does have a part to play in the overall process. You see what happens around a campfire can’t exactly be seen, but it can be felt.
The heat coming off of the flames creates a wind tunnel that flows upwards, at the same moment cooler air/oxygen is being pulled in at the base of the fire. This essentially creates a smooth flow of air that goes directly into the base of the fire, and flows upwards. And by standing next to the fire you basically interrupt this smooth flow, and create a low pressure system between you and the fire, to which essentially pulls the oxygen from directly in front of you creating somewhat of a Vortex the spirals in front of you. At least this is the Assumption of many who have experienced this phenomenon when sitting by a fire.
Now let’s go into depth on the possible reasons as to why you may be experiencing this Smoke following phenomenon…
1st Possible Reason: Frequent Environmental Wind Direction Change

Like we discussed above, wind direction and wind speed can have a large impact on how the smoke acts around the fire. But, there are a multitude of different ways to which the wind can react depending on both geographical location and features around where you choose to have your fire, as well as, the weather patterns in the area.
For example, the location where I typically go camping often it’s not known for having a significant amount of wind. However, the area is known for having a significant amount of directional change. One moment the wind will be flowing from north to South, then the next moment it is flowing from south to North.
The wind never really flows east to west or west to east simply because my campsite is basically at the bottom of a canyon that runs north to south. However, my campsite is basically in a small Cove at the bottom of this Canyon and surrounded by large trees as well as bushes, which can easily cause the wind direction to change depending on the direction it was originally flowing. So essentially obstructions in the flow of wind can create disturbances in that wind flow and cause the wind to seem as if it changes Direct.
This directional change is what causes the smoke to flow indifferent Direct at a high frequency. And depending on how many people are sitting around the fire you may be limited as to where you were able to sit. If you become the odd one out who is forced to sit on the side that experiences directional change of the smoke often then it will feel as if the smoke is following you around.
Not to mention, the movement around the fire will cause an obstruction of the wind flow, as well as create a Tailwind that will essentially seem as if the smoke is magnetized to you. This can simply be avoided by limiting the amount of movement around the fire. Meaning, don’t be walking back and forth from side to side.
2nd Possible Reason: Pressure System Void Created
The second and more physics-based reason as to why you may be experiencing smoke following you is simply due to the fact of how the fire consumes and emits the oxygen lurking around. You see, in order for a fire to burn it needs three things:
- Heat
- Fuel
- Oxygen
Without either the three things the fire is unable to burn. In most cases when sitting around a campfire you are clearly able to see/feel the Heat, as well as the fuel but the oxygen is rather an invisible portion of the equation.
Relating back to why smoke is seemingly drawn to you: the oxygen is being pulled in to the base of the fire and exits with the heat stream pushed upwards. This essentially creates a smooth flow and transition of the air flowing into the base of the fire ending pushed up and out typically at a much quicker rate.
Yeah you’re probably wondering “how does this affect the direction the smoke flows?”. Essentially it doesn’t, at least until someone or something is placed next to the fire, which creates an obstruction of the oxygen flow into the base of the fire. Basically the idea is that obstructing the flow of oxygen into the base of the fire will create a sort of vortex between the object (or in our case “the person) that is sitting near to the fire.
This basically creates a low pressure system that tries to fill itself by taking the leaving air and pulling it back down to the base of the fire. To which create a flow that then pulls the smoke in the direction of the person or object that is placed there.
Now, keep in mind this is more of a theory based upon multiple occurrences as well as resources. But it totally makes sense assuming you were sitting quite close to the fire. Now if you were sitting at a distance from the fire odds of this occurring are much less, simply because you are essentially giving the fire space to inhale oxygen.
Common Campfire Myth: Is Smoke Attracted To Beauty?
Now, a common campfire myth among many is said to be: “Smoke follows Beauty”. Now obviously this could not physically be the case simply because, how is smoke able to determine what is beautiful and what is not. Essentially beauty is more based on opinions rather than it is of fact.
Now of course some people are more beautiful to the majority than others. But how exactly is the smoke of a fire able to specify what the majority of peoples opinions are based on beauty. Plus, beauty too many is seen in multiple different ways such as:
- Physically
- Emotionally
- Spiritually
- Personally, and so forth
Though this myth is fun to compliment others with while they are at a time of annoyance from the smoke. It is not necessarily A plausible assumption to make simply because smoke in itself has no way of determining beauty simply because it is rather one’s opinion then it is fact.
How To Prevent Smoke From Coming In your Direction
You may need to get creative here. But given that smoke follows the path of least resistance, wind flow pressure systems will be able to manipulate the smoke quite easily. For this reason it is important you pay close attention at how the smoke moves, and reacts to the weather. This will make determining what is causing the smoke to follow you much easier, as well as, give you the opportunity to find a solution.
Below are some solutions you could try to keep the smoke out of your face!
Solutions For: Environmental Wind Direction Change:
- Sit Up Wind & Off Set From The Fire & Wind Direction
- Limit Wind Flow Obstructions Where Possible
- Select The Right Placement For A Fire (Flat, with little to no Obstructions: Trees, Bushes, Rocks…)
Of course, you should never have a fire if significant wind speeds are present. However, low wind speeds typically prove to be okay as long as the situation continues to stay safe (Depends on the situation). But typically the issue of smoke following you around the fire pit is stemmed from frequent wind direction change either due to obstructions such as Trees, Rocks, Bushes… As well as man made objects like Vehicles, Shelters and so forth.
The above ideas should prove to make your experience around campfire, and bonfires a better one. That is if the reasoning behind why the smoke seems to be following you due to wind directional change.
If you feel smoke continues to follow you it could possibly have something to do with a so called “Pressure system void” being created due to you being to close or something similar. Below are some tactics to solve the pressure system void issue.
Solutions For: Pressure System Void:
- Leave At Least 5 Feet Of Distance Between You, & The Fire
- Avoid Placing Objects Near The Fire That Can Block Oxygen Flow To The Fire
Though The Pressure System Void is more of a physics theory, I suggest you follow the ideas listed above, simply because: At least the environmental wind flow won’t cause be able to force larger amounts of smoke in your face, simply for the fact that the smoke will have a greater distance to travel, to which it will dissipate at a greater amount before reaching you.
Not to mention, getting close to a fire can result in bodily harm. So, it makes the situation safer.
Truly the biggest reason as to why smoke tends to follow people, or at least seen that way, is simply due to frequent wind direction change. Whether this change occurs due to natural features on the land such as trees, bushes, large rocks and so forth… The second most common reason as to why smoke seems as if it is following you is due to frequent movement around the fire.
Walking around the fire can create a Tailwind which will begin to pull the smoke in your direction when you stop. In order for this to occur there needs to be little to no wind. The third reason is rather more of a theory that was thought of by many. The idea is that oxygen flows into the base of the fire, then rapidly flows out an upward Direction with the heat of the fire.
So essentially it is as if the base of the fire is sucking in air while the Heat is pushing it out the top. This creates a flow of oxygen headed into the fire and rapidly out the top along with the heat. If you obstruct the inflow of oxygen (into the base of the fire) by sitting near to the fire it could result in a pressure system created which circulates the air between you and the fire.
Essentially circulating the smoke along with it.
I simply paying close attention to the flow of the smoke and the direction it goes you can typically come to realize what may be causing the issue and potentially solve it.
However, in a situation where the Environmental wind flow just simply cannot make up its mind you like we may be stuck at the mercy of the weather. If this is the case simply selecting the right spot to sit will typically solve your issue.
I hope you were able to find some value from this. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding campfires I strongly suggest you take a look at the Outdoor Luxuriez Making Fire: Everything Fire. There you will learn the latest safety techniques along with tips and methods for building maintaining at extinguishing you’re next campfire properly and safely. Plus, we also have campfire gear recommendations to make your experience much more easier and simplified.
I wish you luck the next time you build a fire in that the smoke does not annoy you like it has in the past!
This Is Colt Signing Off!