The BEST Time To Go Hiking In Utah

Most people prefer to begin hiking at around 6 to 7 am on a summer day.  Although, this can differ depending on where you plan to go hiking. For example, Southern Utah is going to have warmer temperatures then Northern Utah. Summer, late spring, and early fall tend to be good times to go hiking in Utah. Some may consider the weather in Utah to be a curse but others may consider it to be a blessing. Utah weather is constantly changing. One day it could be snowing and the next the snow is all melted and the sun is shining bright.

Southern Utah Wheather

Southern Utah summer temperatures are commonly around 100 degrees. Because of this, when going hiking in the summer I highly recommended that you start your hike early in the morning. I recommend this so then it is cooler. If your not a morning person another great option is to go in the late evening. In conclusion, good times to go hiking in the summer tend to be either when the sun is rising or setting.

Spring and fall tend to have more moderate weather. This is also a great time to go hiking in Utah. The months April, May, October, and September, commonly have many warm and sunny days with an average of 60 to 90 degrees.  However, take into account that there will be some cold rainy days in these months.

Winter days have a low of around 30° F. Southern Utah also have an average of 3 inches of snow per year.

This may be considered a downside to some, but it could also be an upside. If you enjoy seeing a little bit of snow going hiking in the winter time in southern Utah is a great option. Another upside to going hiking in the winter time is that it will not be as crowded as going in the summertime.

Autumn is a great time to go hiking in Southern Utah. Autumn tends to have clear days and mild nights.

Average Monthly Climate Conditions:

January | High of 54° F | Low of 31° F

February | High of 59° F | Low of 35° F

March | High of 67° F | Low of 42° F

April | High of 75° F | Low of 49° F

May | High of 86° F | Low of 59° F

June | High of 96° F | Low of 67° F

July | High of 102° F | Low of 75° F

August | High of 99° F | Low of 73° F

Septemeber | High of 92° F | Low of 63° F

October | High of 78° F | Low of 50° F

November | High of 63° F | Low of 38° F

December | High of 52° F | Low of 31° F


Northern Utah Weather

Weather in Northern Utah is cooler than Southern Utah. The further north you travel the colder it is going to get. Make sure to keep this in mind when planning your hiking trip. These are the average temperatures for each month.

Average Monthly Climate Conditions:

January | High of 33° F | Low of 21° F | Chance of rain 35% | Cloud cover 71%

February | High of 39° F | Low of 24° F | Chance of rain 6% | Cloud cover 71%

March | High of 55° F | Low of 33° F | Chance of rain 19% | Cloud cover 32%

April | High of 62° F | Low of 39° F | Chance of rain 23% | Cloud cover 28%

May | High of 69° F | Low of 46° F | Chance of rain 25% | Cloud cover 24%

June | High of 89° F | Low of 57° F | Chance of rain 13% | Cloud cover 15%

July | High of 93° F | Low of 60° F | Chance of rain 0% | Cloud cover 14%

August | High of 89° F | Low of 57° F | Chance of rain 6% | Cloud cover 15%

September | High of 80° F | Low of 47° F | Chance of rain 26% | Cloud cover 18%

October | High of 70° F | Low of 39° F | Chance of rain 19% | Cloud cover 24%

November | High of 58° F | Low of 32° F | Chance of rain 13% | Cloud cover 48%

December | High of 34° F |Low of 19° F | Chance of rain 19% | Cloud cover 63%

If you plan on going hiking in the warmer months, with the sun shining bright, make sure to go when there will be a least a decent amount of cloud coverage.

When going hiking in colder months you may want to go on a day with a smaller amount of cloud coverage. This way the sun can help warm you up on your hike.

Although, you can still get sunburnt, even when there is a lot of cloud coverage. Make sure to wear and bring a lot of sunscreens.

In conclusion, going hiking in either summer, late spring, and early fall tend to be the best time to go hiking. The weather is usually best in these times. Although, if you prefer to go in a less crowded time winter can sometimes be a better option. Some hikes will be more common than others during the different seasons.


Hi, My name is Colt And I Enjoy the Outdoors. I may not look it, as I am often seen as the only guy wearing Jeans Hiking on a hot summer day. But I can honestly say there is no place I like to be more than out in the Backcountry exploring the landscape around! Learn more about me on the About Page

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