How To KEEP Mountain Lions AWAY When Camping

Mountain lion, the cat with many names, is commonly known as Cougar, Puma concolor, Panther, or Puma. These cats are the largest of the small cat species. They are usually calm and quiet and tread across quite paths looking for preys.

Although it is unlikely for you to encounter a mountain lion while camping, it is important you are equipped with the right knowledge so that you wouldn’t be defenseless should one show up in your camp at some point during the night. Don’t Leave any food out, or anything that could attract a mountain lion into your camp. And make noise. Making even a little noise will likely scare them away if lurking near. 

Your chances of encountering one of these wild cats increase if you are camping in a mountain lion territory like North America, But even then, the odds of even seeing a Mountain lion are quite slim.

Stick around as we take a look at some useful tips that would help you have a safe camping trip in a mountain lion territory.

First, let’s see how to keep mountain lions away while you are camping, and keep you safe. Shall we!

  • As unbelievable as it sounds, Mountain lions are scared of humans. To be safe in a mountain lion filled territory, make sure you travel in a group. This will scare away any cougar lurking around. As Mountain lions tend to go after those separated from the pack, so to say.
  • Do not let your children go out alone while camping, because Mountain lions take a special liking to the young. Be sure to keep an eye on them at all times. And keep them as close as possible, especially during the night. Do not let them wander away. While walking along a quiet path, make sure they walk in front of you or between you and another adult to avoid an unexpected mountain lion attack from the rear.
  • Don’t leave out food. Like you wouldn’t do in bear country, Never leave food out, as this is sure to attract something into your camp. Possibly a mountain lion.
  • Endeavor to wear plain clothes. Do not wear clothes that look like the skin of prey.
  • When Hiking, Do not tread paths that are littered with cougar kittens. They are protective of their young ones as such they are ready to attack anyone or anything that poses danger to their kittens. Avoid any areas with signs of cougar kittens. A big sign is if You hear them wining off in the distance which is common with Cougar kittens.
  • If you are not well-versed with handling a mountain lion, leave your pets like dogs at home. Bringing a dog along while hiking or camping in a mountain lion territory is a trigger for an attack on your pets. But if you do take your pets along, just be sure to keep an eye on them, and don’t let them wander off. Basically, treat them like you would your own child.

What to Do If a Mountain Lion Is Outside Your Tent

The truth is that these cats are timid. They do not attack what they cannot see. Their mode of attack is usually by ambushing their prey and pouncing on them when they are not looking. So, be assured you are safe in your tent. They cannot see the person inside the tent, thus, would just walk by if they happen to be in the vicinity. It is very rare. Note that sleeping outside your tent possesses more risk, but in most (Like 99.99%) of cases mountain lions won’t bother you. They typically avoid humans.

They are scared off by big, noisy things not quiet, calm or dead things. While you are asleep, you would be unable to make any noise to scare them off. Therefore it is advisable to sleep inside your tent while camping in a mountain lion territory.

Another important thing to note is that both mountain lions and bears would not come around a clean environment. Be sure to keep your tent as clean as possible and do not leave food that can attract these animals around the tent.

A black bear will attack you even in your tent if it perceives the smell of food. So, to be safe, keep the tent clean and keep food covered / Away from your camp.

In rare cases where you happen to have a mountain lion outside your tent during the night, keep calm and watch its movement. It will most likely walk away but if it becomes aggressive and attacks the tent, which is very unlikely, you would have to make a loud noise that could scare it away. But if it is not aggressive, be quiet and watch it walk away.

Now in many cases,  at least for the majority of us. As we go camping we tend to enjoy getting out and exploring the landscape Among Us.  I know I do! But it is at these times when we have a greater risk of running into a mountain lion.

whether it be you run into a mountain lion,  or that mountain lion sneaks up on you. there is a greater risk especially if you are alone.  for that reason below I have listed some signs to look for, in the case that a mountain lion maybe lurking near.  as well as some tips you can use if one is.

But again I want to stress coming across a mountain lion is very rare I mean VERY RARE! My intention is not to scare you but rather to provide you with the knowledge if you are caught in a rare situation,  such as seeing a mountain lion.

And or an even rarer situation of that mountain lion attacking.

How to Know If a Mountain Lion Is Stalking You

Mountain lions are solitary animals. They are usually found in paths that are less accessible. Their shyness can be seen in the fact that they are most active at dawn and dusk and avoid paths with humans as much as they can.

This shyness makes them live in mountains or vegetation, which serve as a cover to protect them.

Besides protection, they also use these covers to quietly stalk their prey. Mountain lions can be on the tail for hours before launching an attack. They are excellent jumpers and usually attack their prey from behind.

Being a quiet and sensitive animal, it is usually difficult to tell when you are being stalked by a mountain lion. Well, here are some clues that say, ‘hey a mountain lion is in this vicinity.’

  • While camping or hiking, if you notice the birds stopped chirping and there are no deer or small animals in sight, you should ask yourself why. In most cases, this occurs when there is a predator in the vicinity and if you are camping in a mountain lion environment then, your guess is as good as mine.
  • After killing a prey, they usually feed on the soft tissues before dragging the carcass to a quiet environment and covering it with branches with the intention of coming back for more. So, if you are treading a path that has the carcass of deer or rabbits, that is a sign that a mountain lion is just nearby. Avoid it if you can.
  • The toes of mountain lions are shaped like a tear-drop. If you find such toes in a path, there is a strong likely hood of a cat nearby.
  • Mountain lions are usually quiet, so, it will be difficult tracking them with sound. But they are known to make little noise sometimes. They usually sound like a bird chirping or a human whistling or an overgrown house cat when they growl / Hiss.

What to Do If a Mountain Lion Is Stalking You

As I mentioned earlier, it is very rare to be attacked by a mountain lion, Goodness its very rare to even see one, let alone be attacked. These animals are timid and usually avoid any contact with humans. They would rather hide in the mountains than tread paths with human activities.

Notwithstanding, there are few cases when mountain lions could actually be on your tail waiting for the right moment to attack. Let’s take a look at the things you should do to scare them off if you see some signs that one could be stalking you and the things you should do in cases where they become aggressive.

  • The best way to scare off a mountain lion on your trail is to start making a loud noise. You could go as far as hitting objects together. Just about anything that would make it know that a bigger animal is in the vicinity.
  • If you are bent over or sitting, it is advisable you stand on your feet. Mountain lions do not see standing humans as prey. But bending over makes you look like a four-legged animal it can easily pounce on. So, it is best you are standing upright at all times when you are in a mountain lion environment.
  • If the mountain lion starts walking towards you, be sure to stay calm and back away slowly while looking at it in the eyes. Do not turn your back or attempt to run away. Look straight into its eyes, be as intimidating as possible, and back away slowly. Make sure you give it enough space to pass through without making a contact.
  • To appear intimidating, you can wave your hands slowly, raise your arms or speak firmly in a loud voice.
  • In rare cases where the above-mentioned tips fail, it is advisable to start throwing stones or anything within your reach at the mountain lion.
  • If that fails too then be prepared to fight like hell when it attacks. Standing still or playing dead isn’t the smart choice here. Stay in character. Be intimidating and fight with whatever is at your disposal. Fight like hell!
  • It is recommended you carry pepper spray, for if the scenario above occurs. Do what you can to prepare beforehand, as this is the best time.

What Are Mountain Lions Afraid Of?

Contrary to the general belief that cougars or mountain lions are wild beasts that can pounce on humans at any time, they are in fact, terrified by the sound of a human voice, whether recorded or not. They flee immediately at first instance they see a human or hear the sound of a human. This is why they hunt at dawn and at dusk when the probability of coming in contact with a human is very low. Most people hiking or camping in a mountain lion territory usually go with a radio. The sound of a human voice on the radio is a sure way to scare a mountain lion away from your camp or whatever path you are treading.

So, they are as scared of you as you are of them. This goes to confirm the reason why they are less likely to attack humans. But in rare cases when they do, it is advisable to stay upright and make a loud noise that would show that you are a human. Trust me, that alone is enough to send the mountain lion running for safety.

Final Thoughts

Again it is very rare to even see a mountain lion, odds are you won’t see one. But if you do make sure you are prepared and do not run as this will trigger the mountain lions instincts and make the likelihood of him coming after you that much higher.

Be safe, be prepared and enjoy your camping trip


Hi, My name is Colt And I Enjoy the Outdoors. I may not look it, as I am often seen as the only guy wearing Jeans Hiking on a hot summer day. But I can honestly say there is no place I like to be more than out in the Backcountry exploring the landscape around! Learn more about me on the About Page

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