Bear Bag VS Bear Canister? Which Is BEST?

There are many different options available when it comes to food storage techniques as your out in the backcountry. Sometimes trying to choose the best way to go about it, can be cumbersome. I personally have gone through debates with myself, as to which will be best for “This backpack trip or That camp trip”…etc. Most of what I found on the internet was more opinion based rather than situation specific. Nonetheless, there were some nuggets I picked up along the way, so I thought id put together a little resource for anyone stuck in this debate.

Bear bag vs Bear canister? Which is ideal for you? 

So Bear bag or bear canister? Well, there are obviously Pros & Cons to each. However, depending on your travel arrangements, And, or pack space? One may be a better option for you over the other. Follow along with me as we search for the best option for you.

Note: Some State & National parks require the use of Bear Canisters. In this instance, you won’t have a choice between a Bear bag or Bear Canister. Be sure to check with the local Park Service on rules and regulations regarding food storage it the area. However, for those who are not restricted, or your just curious “Continue on”.

First of all, What do Bear Bags, and Bear Canisters have in common?

Both are instruments and procedures to be taken, to keep your food, and other odorous items away from / out of the hands (Or paws) of wildlife that may be in the area. Typically used when Camping, Backpacking, or such activity’s alike. However, each has different rules, and or procedures to be taken when trying to keep your food away from the animals. Below I go into detail about the different procedures of each.

What Exactly is a Bear bag?

Like the question stated above, a bear bag is a bag made to stores any, or all of your needed odorous items, such as Food, toiletries, hygiene products…etc. as stated above. However, to make the Bear bag effective, it must be hung in a tree, out of reach for any animals that may come near. If a bear gets hold of it, odds are you likely won’t get it back. The bear bag typically hasn’t got much structure to it. Now I say typically because Ursack does make a hybrid bag, that could be considered somewhere between a Bag, and a Canister “Bear-proof Bag”. Your welcome to follow the link above to learn more about it if you’d like.

Anyway, back to the typical bear bag. One large positive with the bear bag is its lightweight. which makes it ideal for Backpacking trips or things like that require you to limit the items you bring with you. but you do need a tree, or something tall that you can hang your food bag on. without something to hang your bag in, the bear bag becomes useless. However, one great thing about bear country is there are usually tall trees all around. If you’d like to learn more, read my write up on Bear bags “Here”.  Otherwise On we go!

What Exactly is a Bear Canister?

Just like a Bear bag, the Bear canister is designed to do the same thing. Keep Food, and any other scented products away from all wildlife in the area. Nonetheless, the biggest difference between the Bear bag and the Bear canister is the techniques each uses to keep your scented items away from the animals.

You Don’t Have to Hang a bear canister like you do a bear bag. Often times its good enough to just lock up the canister, and leave it. Now obviously you don’t leave it in your Camp & so forth. Read my full write up on Bear canisters “Here”. But the great thing about canisters is even if a bear does come along and gets hold of your canister. It won’t be able to leave with it, as long as you’ve followed the manufacturers’ instructions. it likely will just kick it around, fumble with it… Till it realizes defeat and moves on.

You see the Bear canister uses a bears lack of opposable thumbs against it. this means bears are unable to pick it up with his/her paws. Now you may be wondering, can’t the bear just pick it up with its mouth?  However, the canister is designed large enough that a bear can’t fit it in his/her mouth. To add, the canister Is basically a hard shell, so even if a bear could get its mouth somewhat over it, the canister will slip out, due to the hard, slick outer surface of the canister.

Pros & Cons of Each

Bear Canister (Pros & Cons)

  • Very Durable
  • Has Solid Structure
  • Easier to organize contents inside
  • Some canisters are available transparent
  • Bear can’t walk away with it
  • Can’t be chewed / gnawed through (in most situations)
  • Peace of mind
  • Easy to store for the night
  • Big / Bulky
  • Heavy
  • Need a Harness or carry case
  • May not fit all Items due to Solid Structural
  • Typically much more expensive

Bear Bag (Pros & Cons)

  • Shape-able to an extent (Mold-able)
  • Light Weight
  • Can be folded up smaller
  • Simple
  • Easy to carry
  • Takes up less space
  • often times cheaper than a canister
  • Probably any bag or sack will work
  • Not Waterproof (But can be with Oder-barrier bags to an extent)
  • Requires more work to store for the night
  • Easier for wildlife to gain access to food

Bear Bag Vs Bear Canister

So which is best, Bear bag or bear canister? Well Depends on your chosen activity. Personally, I think a Bear bag is much better / easier to deal with when it comes to Backpacking, Hiking, Mountaineering…etc. Though if I wasn’t doing any long distance hiking /  climbing, a Bear canister would be a great option I think, due to how easy it is to stow away for the night. You simply tuck it in between some rocks or tightly woven objects. So bears, and other wildlife can’t kick it around… Simple enough!

List of Questions If You’re Still on the fence?

Ask yourself the following questions to help decide which will work best for you, and your needs?

  • How far will I be hiking?
  • What will the Estimated elevation gain be?
  • What will the terrain be like?
  • What wildlife is in the area?
  • Are there trees in the area? (To hang a bag from)
  • How much equipment are you already taking?

Once you’ve answered the above questions plus any you may think of to add. use the “Pros & Cons” list provided above to decide. At this point, I have faith I’ve made it easier for you to make your decision. I Hope this helps!

In my opinion, If you are going to be hiking a long distance, over rough terrain, up steep ascents…etc. A bear canister may make the climb harder. On a hike like this id opt for a bear bag. However, if I wasn’t likely to have anything to hang my bag on at camp? Id opt for a canister, but id also invests in a harness, or case for it to make carrying it easier.

I hope you’ve gained some value from this! If you have any questions, please leave them below. Have a good friend.



Hi, My name is Colt And I Enjoy the Outdoors. I may not look it, as I am often seen as the only guy wearing Jeans Hiking on a hot summer day. But I can honestly say there is no place I like to be more than out in the Backcountry exploring the landscape around! Learn more about me on the About Page

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